Schott next-gen glass wafers expand limit of field of view in AR/MR devices

Press release

Schott unveiled at SID Display Week a new-generation optical glass wafer designed with a field of view (FoV) wider than any AR/MR device currently on the market, thanks to a further increased refractive index of 1.9. Now, devices with a horizontal FoV of 53 degrees (equal to 65 degrees FoV diagonal) can be envisioned.

"Full immersion experience is the promise of the AR/MR industry. To realize this, software developers need to have access to an unrestricted field of view enabled by the technical ability to place the virtual content anywhere within the human's natural area of vision," said Ruediger Sprengard, vice president of the Business Field Augmented Reality at Schott.

Even the most advanced smart glasses on the market cannot yet provide this experience, as their field of view is only about 40 degrees horizontally - limited by the highest refractive index of the image guiding substrate available on the market.

Compared to conventional glass wafers used in semiconductor and sensor industry, Schott RealView wafers define a new standard in thickness uniformity of the surface (10x tighter tolerances) and are based on leading edge glass compositions. With this new product launch, Schott is fueling the industry's technology roadmap, supplying a key component for the realization of the full immersion experience.

An outstanding award recently honored the product's strong market position: The first generation of Schott RealView received a 2019 Display Industry Award as a Display Component of the Year from the Society of Information Display, SID. Beside Schott, the winner list includes products from Apple, Samsung, Sony, Dexerials, Japan Display, and Lenovo.

Schott RealView high-index glass wafers bring Augmented and Mixed Reality to life

Schott RealView high-index glass wafers bring augmented and mixed reality to life

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