Wednesday 29 June 2022
Global smartphone industry, 2Q 2022
Global smartphone shipments are expected to experience another quarter of on-year decline in the second quarter of 2022, dropping for four quarters straight since third-quarter 2021.
Friday 24 June 2022
Global smartphone industry, 1Q 2022
DIGITIMES Research's statistics and forecast show global smartphone shipments declined for three quarters straight from third-quarter 2021 to first-quarter 2022.
Friday 13 May 2022
Global tablet market - 1Q 2022
According to Digitimes Research's statistics, global tablet shipments amounted to 32 million units in first-quarter 2022 in line with expectation. The volume was the lowest since the COVID-19 outbreak started in first-quarter 2020 as the tablet market sustained pressure from the slow season and rising inflation while no longer enjoying pandemic-driven work-from-home (WFH) and online learning demand.
Friday 13 May 2022
China smartphone market - 1Q 2022
According to DIGITIMES Research's surveys and analyses, first-quarter 2022 smartphone shipments to the China market fell 26.5% from the prior year level, coming short of the 70-million-unit mark amid weak market demand.
Friday 6 May 2022
China smartphone industry - 1Q 2022
According to DIGITIMES Research's statistics and analyses, China-based smartphone brands shipped a total of 170 million phones worldwide in first-quarter 2022, down 12.9% from the prior quarter with the China market experiencing worsening decline and overseas markets entering slow season and undergoing seasonal adjustment after the year-end shopping season.
Tuesday 15 February 2022
China smartphone market – 4Q 2021
Fourth-quarter 2021 smartphone shipments to the China market amounted to 80.5 million units. The volume represented a 9.5% increase from the prior quarter, driven by inventory preparation demand for the high season.
Tuesday 15 February 2022
China smartphone industry - 4Q 2021
China-based smartphone brands shipped a total of 195 million phones in fourth-quarter 2021 as they aggressively ramped up shipments in the traditional high season in an attempt to make their whole-year target.
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Global tablet market - 4Q 2021
Global tablet shipments amounted to 37.13 million units in fourth-quarter 2021, up 5.4% from the prior quarter but down 20.2% from the prior year, as the tablet market continued to struggle with the IC shortage and the shipments came short of expectation in the traditional high season.
Tuesday 25 January 2022
China smartphone brand review, 2021
The China-based top-4 smartphone brands - Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo and Honor - together shipped 509 million phones in 2021, among which 5G ones represented about 50%.
Wednesday 19 January 2022
Global smartphone industry 2021 review
Global smartphone shipments in the second half of 2021 did not see a growth momentum as in the first half and had experienced decline in both quarters of the period amid the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising concerns over a potential inflation.
Wednesday 10 November 2021
Global tablet market - 3Q 2021
Global tablet shipments amounted to 35.21 million units in third-quarter 2021.
Tuesday 9 November 2021
China smartphone market - 3Q 2021
Third-quarter 2021 smartphone shipments to the China market remained in low gear, coming to only 73.7 million units.