Wednesday 11 December 2019
Taiwan handsets – 3Q 2019
Taiwan makers shipped 14.21 million handsets in third-quarter 2019, up 3% sequentially but down 34.8% on year.
Wednesday 27 November 2019
Global tablet market – 3Q 2019
Global tablet shipments came to a total of 44.32 million units in the third quarter of 2019, up 35.7% sequentially and 1.5% on year.
Tuesday 19 November 2019
Taiwan notebooks – 3Q 2019
Taiwan's notebook shipments rise 1.8% sequentially and 8.6% on year to come to 34.14 million in the third quarter of 2019.
Friday 18 October 2019
Global tablet shipment forecast, 2020 and beyond
2019 global tablet shipments will slide significantly from the level of 2018 as brand tablets are experiencing weakening momentum from tablet replacement and demand for education tablets, while white-box tablets also face decelerated demand for small-size models and fierce competitions from brand tablets.
Wednesday 9 October 2019
Global notebook shipment forecast, 2020 and beyond
Notebook shipments in 2019 are estimated to show a 1.6% increase with vendors ramping up inventory in preparation for the US-China trade war and business notebooks as well as Chromebook outperforming expectation.
Friday 30 August 2019
Taiwan handsets – 2Q 2019
Taiwan's handset shipments arrived at 13.8 million units in the second quarter of 2019, a level similar to that of the previous quarter, but slipping 33.2% on year.
Thursday 8 August 2019
Global tablet market – 2Q 2019
Global tablet shipments amounted to 32.66 million units in second-quarter 2019, down 8.7% on quarter and 11.9% on year due to slow season, Apple's new products making little contribution to its shipments and Huawei's performance taking a hit by the US trade ban.
Monday 5 August 2019
Taiwan notebooks – 2Q 2019
Taiwan's notebook shipments increased 27.5% sequentially and 11.2% on year to come to 33.53 million units in the second quarter, thanks to rising orders from vendors building up extra inventory as a precaution against the possibility of the US imposing tariffs on notebook imports.
Friday 21 June 2019
Taiwan handsets – 1Q 2019
Taiwan's handset shipments slipped 39.5% sequentially in the first quarter of 2019, while compared to the same quarter a year ago, the volume dropped 23.5%.
Wednesday 29 May 2019
Global tablet market – 1Q 2019
According to Digitimes Research statistics, global tablet shipments in first-quarter 2019 were down 12.9% on quarter, but up 13.8% on year.
Tuesday 14 May 2019
Global AIO PC shipment forecast and industry analysis, 2019
Global all-in-one (AIO) PC shipments will continue shrinking in 2019, following 2018's around 2% on-year drop. With issues such as US-China trade tensions and Intel's CPU shortages, and Lenovo and Apple having been cutting their orders, Taiwan makers are also expected to see their related shipments to be impacted.
Thursday 2 May 2019
Taiwan notebooks – 1Q 2019
Taiwan's notebook shipments were weaker than expected in the first quarter of 2019, down 16.3% sequentially and nearly 3% on year to come to 26.3 million units.