Tuesday 26 February 2019
Global tablet market – 4Q 2018
Total global tablet shipments came to 42.67 million units in fourth-quarter 2018, down 2.3% quarter-over-quarter and 7.2% year-over-year.
Tuesday 26 February 2019
Taiwan handsets – 4Q 2018
Taiwan's handset shipments rose 3.3% sequentially, but slid 8.6% on year to arrive at 22.53 million units in the fourth quarter of 2018.
Thursday 31 January 2019
Taiwan notebooks – 4Q 2018
Taiwan-based notebook makers failed to see a boost in demand during the traditional peak season in fourth-quarter 2018, recording weaker-than-expected shipments that dipped 0.1% sequentially and 3.8% on year to arrive at 31.41 million units.
Thursday 15 November 2018
Taiwan handsets – 3Q 2018
Taiwan's handset shipments increased 5.5% sequentially, but dropped 6.8% on year to come to 21.8 million units in the third quarter of 2018.
Tuesday 13 November 2018
Global tablet market – 3Q 2018
According to Digitimes Research statistics, global tablet shipments totaled 44.89 million units in third-quarter 2018, up 21.1% on quarter and 6.1% on year thanks to high season effects.
Tuesday 13 November 2018
Taiwan notebooks – 3Q 2018
Taiwan's notebook shipments grew 4.3% sequentially but decreased 4.7% on year in the third quarter of 2018, as Intel's CPU shortages affected vendors' overall order placements.
Friday 19 October 2018
Global notebook shipment forecast, 2019 and beyond
The notebook market will face unfavorable conditions in 2019 on both the supply side and demand side. Total shipments may dip further below the level seen in 2018.
Friday 19 October 2018
Global tablet shipment forecast, 2019 and beyond
According to Digitimes Research statistics, as large-size smartphones continue to erode sales of 9-inch and smaller tablets, especially white-box tablets that are generally smaller, global tablet shipments will further slide.
Thursday 6 September 2018
Global smartphone AP demand forecast till 1Q 2019
This DIGITIMES Special Report provides insights into various aspects of the smartphone AP market, including suppliers' shipments, market shares, manufacturing processes, and the incorporating of AI in the processors.
Friday 24 August 2018
Taiwan handsets - 2Q 2018
Taiwan handset shipments increased 16.1% sequentially and 0.3% on year to arrive at 20.66 million units in the second quarter.
Thursday 16 August 2018
Global tablet market – 2Q 2018
Global tablet shipments arrived at 37.08 million units in second-quarter 2018, up 13.6% on quarter and 11% on year.
Friday 10 August 2018
Taiwan notebooks – 2Q 2018
Taiwan's notebook shipments performed better than expected in the second quarter of 2018, increasing 11.4% sequentially and down only 3.3% on year.