Friday 2 September 2016
Taiwan handsets – 2Q 2016
Taiwan's handset shipments slipped 13.5% sequentially and 45.4% on year in the second quarter of 2016.
Wednesday 31 August 2016
China smartphone AP shipments - 2Q 2016
Shipment of mobile application processors for smartphones and tablets in the China market are expected to grow 18.6% in the second half of 2016.
Friday 26 August 2016
China smartphone market and industry – 2Q 2016
Smartphone shipments in the China market totaled 149 million units in the second quarter of 2016, representing an increase of 2.7% on quarter and 14.3% on year.
Wednesday 17 August 2016
Taiwan notebooks - 2Q 2016
Notebook brand vendors started replenishing their stocks in the second quarter after digesting their inventory in the previous quarter. The replenishment demand boosted their Taiwan-based ODM partners' shipments.
Friday 27 May 2016
China smartphone AP shipments – 1Q 2016
First-quarter 2016 smartphone AP shipments in China were slow with a sequential decrease of 16.9%.
Thursday 26 May 2016
Taiwan handsets – 1Q 2016
Taiwan's handset brand vendors and ODMs both saw sharp declines in their shipments in the first quarter of 2016. The brand vendors' shipments will improve in the second quarter due to launches of new models, but the ODM shipments will drop further.
Wednesday 25 May 2016
China smartphone market and industry - 1Q 2016
Total smartphone shipments by China-based vendors reached 128.6 million units in the first quarter of 2016, down 20.2% on quarter but up 33.3% on year.
Monday 9 May 2016
Taiwan notebooks – 1Q 2016
The global notebook market continued to slump in the first quarter, with shipments going down. Vendors were less interested in boosting shipment volume than in improving their profitability by focusing more on midrange and high-end models.
Friday 1 April 2016
Taiwan server shipment forecast and industry analysis, 2016
Strong demand from the cloud computing market helped Taiwan's server shipments grow 12.5% on year to break 10 million units in 2015, accounting for 90.7% of worldwide shipments and the percentage is expected to grow to 91.1% in 2016. This Digitimes Research Special Report provides server industry supply chain market intelligence from the component stage down through the relationship between top ODMs and their brand vendor partners.
Tuesday 1 March 2016
Taiwan handsets – 4Q 2015
Taiwan's handset ODMs all saw significant decreases in their shipments in the fourth quarter of 2015, as clients reduced orders. Its handset brand vendors saw better results, but the increases in their shipments were hardly enough to offset the ODMs' poor results.
Saturday 6 February 2016
China smartphone touch-panel industry 2016 forecast
In 2016, China's smartphone panel capacity is expected to increase steadily, with BOE and Tianma expanding 6G capacity and GVO and Truly Optoelectronics increasing their share of handset panel production. This Digitimes Research Special Report analyzes the key trends affecting China's smartphone panel industry including LTPS and AMOLED technology developments, the role of smartphone makers in the supply chain, capacity expansion plans and panel pricing for each market segment.
Friday 5 February 2016
China smartphone market and industry - 4Q 2015
Looking forward to the first quarter of 2016, with both China-based makers and international brands aggressively spreading out their new products including all low, mid, and high cost models on the market in the fourth quarter of 2015, the market will have to digest some of the accumulated inventory in the first quarter.