Tuesday 2 July 2013
Global AMOLED market analysis and forecast, 2011-2015
South Korean manufacturers currently have more than 95% of the AMOLED market, but panel makers in China, Taiwan and Japan will still compete in these sectors. This report analyzes the current state of development and strategies of the two largest AMOLED panel makers, Samsung and LG Display, examines the potential of the AMOLED handset panel and OLED TV markets, and takes an in-depth look at the competitiveness of South Korea in the AMOLED sector and the reasons behind it, including brand strength and supply chain integration.
Friday 10 May 2013
Taiwan digital cameras – 1Q 2013
The global DSC market has been facing severe challenges from smartphones with powerful camera functions. DSC vendors' poor sales mean significant cuts to orders for their Taiwan-based manufacturing partners. As a result, Taiwan's DSC shipments dropped significantly to below six million units in the first quarter of 2013.
Monday 6 May 2013
Taiwan handsets – 1Q 2013
Seasonality played a key role in bringing down Taiwan makers' handset shipments by 18.3% sequentially in first-quarter 2013. Taiwan's top handset maker HTC saw an even steeper fall in shipments partly due to component shortages plaguing its high-end models. But shipments will rebound in the second quarter, as major client Sony Mobile Communications will introduce new models and HTC see the component shortages ease.
Tuesday 30 April 2013
Top 5 global application processor suppliers in 2013 - Products and market analysis
ARM architecture for application processors (APs) remains the mainstay for mobile applications, with the top five suppliers of ARM architecture-based APs - Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung, MediaTek and Spreadtrum - currently accounting for around 90% of the market. Digitimes Research looks at each supplier's strengths and weaknesses through a comprehensive analysis of technology, architecture, product positioning and shipments, providing the industry with an overview of the latest trends and developments in the AP industry.
Friday 26 April 2013
Taiwan notebooks – 1Q 2013
Taiwan makers' notebook shipments dropped 15.7% sequentially and 14.3% on year to 36.89 million units in the first quarter of 2013 as more consumers chose tablets over conventional notebooks. Seasonality worsened the market conditions for notebooks. Taiwan's notebook industry will see its worst-ever on-year drop in the second quarter.
Thursday 25 April 2013
Development and commercialization of Thunderbolt technology
Thunderbolt interface technology (Light Peak) was created by Intel but licensed exclusively to Apple for one year in June 2011. However, once other system makers had the opportunity to use the technology in their products, implementation has not been as widespread as predicted. Due to this phenomenon, this Digitimes Research Special Report investigates the obstacles and problems that Thunderbolt technology has faced in becoming more widespread in the market and offers predictions concerning the development of the technology in the future.
Monday 22 April 2013
Analysis of Google's platform strategy, positioning and supply chain management for Google-branded devices
This report takes Google's core businesses as a starting point to analyze how Google is competing in the one-cloud, many-screen environment. This is followed by an analysis of the strategic expansion of the Android and Chrome OS platforms, complemented by an exploration of Google's presence in the digital content service business and its goals in operating in this sector. Lastly, the report examines Google's strategic thinking and positioning with regard to the launch of Google-branded smartphones, tablets and notebooks, as well as an overview of key supply chain partners for these products.
Monday 18 March 2013
Global high-brightness LED market forecast
Digitimes Research forecasts that the global LED lighting market will be worth US$25.4 billion in 2013, representing 54% growth on the 2012 figure of US$16.5 billion, while the LED lighting penetration rate will also rise to 18.6%. This report covers the various areas of the LED market including applications, LED street prices and the main players in the global LED supply chain, with forecasts mostly extending to 2015.
Friday 8 February 2013
Taiwan digital cameras – 4Q 2012
Taiwan shipped 7.59 million digital cameras in the fourth quarter of 2012, down 19.3% on quarter and 37.5% on year.
Monday 4 February 2013
Taiwan handsets – 4Q 2012
Taiwan shipped 14.64 million handsets in the fourth quarter of 2012, up 2.5% from the previous quarter and 26% on year.
Wednesday 30 January 2013
Taiwan notebooks – 4Q 2012
Taiwan notebook shipments increased 2.5% sequentially but decreased 3% on year to reach 43.69 million units in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Wednesday 30 January 2013
China's changing semiconductor industry - Government policies as the 12th Five Year Plan enters its third year
During the 12th FYP period, only semiconductor companies established from 2011 are eligible for tax incentives. Moreover, only profitable firms working in areas consistent with government goals will be offered subsidies, with a quota of 40 firms also imposed. These requirements and assessments may encourage IC design startups, while also focusing R&D resources on product and technology sectors the government views as promising. The ultimate impact will probably be to weed out poorly performing firms and expedite the consolidation of the industry.