AMD ready for prime time with ambidextrous computing

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Cameron Swen, segment marketing manager for medical applications in AMD's Embedded Solutions Division and Colin Cureton, senior manager of AMD's embedded product management team, spoke at the recent Digitimes Embedded Technology Forum (DTF) about working with customers and partners to help define the products and strategies necessary to meet the needs of a variety of embedded markets, and discussed how today's (and tomorrow's) powerful processors are helping businesses stay on top of these needs.

In 2014, AMD announced a game plan for computing solutions that pull together the best characteristics of both the x86 and ARM ecosystems, and called it "ambidextrous computing." The foundation of this roadmap is AMD's 64-bit ARM architecture license for the development of custom high-performance cores for high-growth markets.

AMD's view on the challenges and opportunities - represented by the expansion of intelligent devices and support for Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure - is to develop and deliver truly unmatched ambidextrous computing and graphics performance using a shared, flexible infrastructure to enable its customers to blaze new paths of innovation for the embedded, server and client markets, as well as for semi-custom solutions.

There is definitely strong market demand for these types of solutions and AMD is positioned to serve the needs of the market. Essentially, as a leader in processor technology, the company knows how to deliver dedicated hardware better in terms of size and performance per watt.

AMD's ambidextrous IP leadership could also affect other brands. "Our innovative ambidextrous design capability, combined with our portfolio of IP and expertise with high-performance SoCs, means that AMD is set to deliver ambidextrous solutions that enable our customers to change the world in more efficient and powerful ways," Cureton stated.

The AMD embedded solutions strategies include developing innovative embedded platforms and enabling leadership system solutions. The company's unmatched visual embedded technology leadership, along with the industry's only 64-bit ARM& x86 portfolio, are helping it undertake the change of computing paradigms.

Meanwhile, AMD embedded fundamentals offer more than 20 years of delivering solutions into embedded applications and the modules are impressive, featuring longevity, low power, tech support, reliability and optimized embedded designs. AMD calls it "flexibility without compromise."

AMD's combined x86 and ARM computing roadmap - a new "high-performance, low-power" ARM core that will take deep advantage of AMD's ARM architectural license and 64-bit designs.

According to AMD, the market is ready for its new chip designs, as ARM and x86 processor sales are expected to grow to more than US$85 billion by 2017. The processor leader said it believes it will be the only company capable of delivering differentiated solutions capable of addressing the breadth of this market.

It's all about automation, connectivity and interconnectivity. For the new face of AMD's business the best example of automation is the smartphone. You can automate a calendar, task list, navigation or even transactions. Connectivity is the key and the evolution of connected devices is phenomenon.

Interactivity is vital regardless of profession or personnel. Interacting with people, across industry, in the operation room, from the office to the hospital to the factory floor, the demands for higher levels of instant connectivity at work are increasing.

Employees have become accustomed to touch screens, constant Internet access, and attention-grabbing graphics. In addition, businesses are demanding higher levels of interconnectivity - instant information that can be analyzed and shared - but with heightened regulations regarding security. So in order to secure your business, security and surveillance play a pivotal role.

AMD is confident that retail automation is the new trend and everyone will be in style. Ambidextrous computing is helping and will continue to improve intelligence in POS/KIOSK applications; interactivity in digital signage; intelligence on the factory floor; interactivity in thin client applications and increase intelligence in medical applications as well.

Cameron Swen, segment marketing manager, medical applications AMD embedded solutions division

Cameron Swen, segment marketing manager, medical applications AMD embedded solutions division

Colin Cureton, senior manager AMD embedded solutions

Colin Cureton, senior manager AMD embedded solutions