Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology
Hangzhou Hikvision is a surveillance equipment supplier owned by a Chinese state-owned electronic technology group. The company was formerly known as Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, and it was changed to a limited company in 2008. Hangzhou Hikvision's products include security analyzers, cameras, drones, handheld and wearable monitoring devices, storage products, cloud products, displays and controllers, access control products. The company also provides solutions for public security, energy, transportation, judicial systems, smart buildings, finance and more.
Business Info
IndustryTech Products and Equipment
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 47,410
2021 Revenue ($M)12,637
Rank of 2021 Revenue74
2021 Profit ($M)2,609
Rank of 2021 Profit20