At a press conference at CeBIT 2007, Studio Canal, Universal, Toshiba and Microsoft announced the formation of a new trade organization, the European HD DVD Promotional Group.
The new organization will include movie studios, distributors, consumer electronics companies, IT companies, PC makers, disc replication companies and authoring houses companies throughout Europe and around the globe. As the European counterpart to the North American HD DVD Promotional Group and working with the HD DVD Promotion Group originally organized in Japan, the new non-profit organization completes the global promotion structure for HD DVD, working to educate consumers on the quality and value of the format.
The existing marketing campaign, which showcases HD DVD as "The Look and Sound of Perfect" will be used to highlight European perspectives, with the launch of country-specific pages to the website. The group and its member companies plan to back the campaign with promotions, and trade and consumer marketing through the 2007 holiday season and into 2008. The campaign will promote the format and co-market HD DVD hardware with the more than 300 HD DVD titles already on the market today and the more than 600 expected on store shelves by year-end 2007.
For complete DigiTimes coverage of CeBIT 2007 go here.
Article edited by Eric Mah