In 2014, smartphones are expected to continue penetrating rapidly into emerging markets such as Russia, India, Indonesia and Latin America, while China's smartphone shipments will see weakened on-year growth in the year, but still enormous volume. This report will provide in-depth analyses to forecast whether global smartphone shipments in 2014 will maintain a growth similar to that of 2013 and what the global shipment scale will reach in 2014.
Within the top-10 smartphone vendors in 2013, four of them are from China and in 2014 more China-based vendors are expected to enter the top 10. This report will also analyze which China-based vendors will have the best chance to become parts of the top-tier players.
How Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia's handset business will affect Windows Phone products' shipment growth in 2014 and shake Android and iOS' domination in the smartphone market, as well as the possibility of Amazon and Facebook joining the smartphone competition in 2014 and their potential influence to the market will also be analyzed within the report.
Platforms - two closed platforms against one large open platform
Smartphone sales in emerging markets to see strong growth in 2014
Chart 2: Smartphone sales in emerging markets to see strong growth in 2014, (m units)
Amazon and Facebook branded smartphones to join the competition
Chart 3: Amazon and Facebook own brand smartphones to join the competition in 2H14
Global smartphone shipments to surpass 1 billion units in 2014
Chart 5: Top 10 vendor smartphone shipments, 2012-2013 (m units)
Chart 6: Top 10 vendor smartphone shipments, 2013-2014 (m units)
Chart 7: Apple smartphone shipments, 2012-2014 shipments (m units)
Chart 9: Nokia/Microsoft smartphone shipments, 2012-2014 (m units)
Sony shipments to remain stable, while LG seeks breakthrough
Chart 12: Smartphone sales in emerging markets to see strong growth in 2014
Chart 13: Android shipments to approach 1 billion units, iPhone over 200 million (m units)
Samsung to account for over 1/3 of total Android shipments in 2014