The wearables market is a growing focal point for many vendors and players in the display panel supply chain. This Digitimes Research Special Report looks at developments in panel applications in the wearable industry, with a specific focus on panel makers in Greater China. The report also covers the investments being made moving forward (through 2017) in order to meet end-market demand, including capacity expansion for small- to medium-size TFT LCD and AMOLED panels.
This Digitimes Research Special Report also provides in-depth analysis regarding the technological and strategic advantages from makers both in China and Taiwan, and compares their shipment prospects from 2015-2017 to give readers a comprehensive understanding of how the panel supply chain in Greater China is shaping developments in the wearables market.
Chart 1: Cost factors and technology barriers for smart devices
China makers will have 10 AMOLED production lines in operation in 2017
Table 4: China AMOLED fabs and production timelines, 2014-2017
Table 5: Taiwan AMOLED fabs and production timelines, 2014-2017
China will surpass Taiwan in small- to medium-size AMOLED production in 2015
Chart 8: Taiwan and China small- to medium-size AMOLED panel production, 2014-2017 (k2m)
BOE balancing investments in both large size and small- to medium-size AMOLED panels
Chart 9: BOE small- to medium-size AMOLED and LCD capacity, 2014-2017 (k2m)
Table 8: CPT and HannStar wearable display development plans
Table 10: Taiwan PMOLED makers, wearable display development plans
Chart 11: Global panel shipments for smart watches and smart bands, 2014-2017 (m panels)
Chart 12: Global smart watch and smart band panel shipments, 2014-2017 (m panels)
Chart 13: Greater China smart watch panels shipments, 2014-2017 (m panels)
Chart 14: Greater China share of worldwide smart watch panel shipments, 2014-2017
Chart 15: Greater China smart band panels shipments, 2014-2017 (m panels)
Chart 16: Greater China global share of smart band panel shipment, 2014-2017