Millilab developing mmWave radar sensors for non-automotive use

Jane Wang, Hsinchu; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES Asia

Taiwan-based startup Millilab is dedicated to development of mmWave radar sensor solutions for non-automotive use, said company founder and CEO Lin Yu-cheng.

With R&D staff consisting of RF, antenna and IC engineers, Millilab focuses on frequency bands of 24GHz and 60GHz for mmWave radar sensor solutions to detect range and speed, Lin noted. Millilab, founded in January 2019, has developed a 24GHz model for use in IP surveillance cameras and smart doorbells, and it is being validated by two Taiwan-based potential clients, Lin indicated.

mmWave radar sensors can reduce operating time and cost for IP surveillance cameras through helping operators hike accuracy levels for cameras and users control operating time, Lin said.

Due to advantages of high transfer speeds and broad bandwidth, mmWave can meet demand for low latency and multiple connection in many scenarios of 5G application.

60GHz mmWave radar sensors features people-counting function - detecting their locations and movements in a certain scope of space, Lin noted. Some companies engaged in image recognition and video conferencing are interested in cooperating with Millilab, Lin indicated.

In fire-fighting scenarios with thick smoke, mmWave radar sensors can make up for deficiency in cameras' vision of objects like human bodies and thereby can be used to judge which floors and which portions of them need active search to enhance rescue.

mmWave radar sensors

Millilab's mmWave radar sensors
Photo: Company