WIN SOURCE collaborates with Supplyframe to provide optimal supply chain strategies for clients

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With the impact of various external factors such as the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, global semiconductor supply chains have been thrown into chaos. System integrators face increased challenges in procurement which in turn affects their product development processes and their choice of suitable semiconductors. To address these difficulties and to ensure that clients can have a smooth system development process in the post-pandemic era, WIN SOURCE has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Supplyframe.

Established in 1999, WIN SOURCE is a leading B2B business platform specializing in electronic and semiconductor components. The collaboration between WIN SOURCE and Supplyframe was announced at the recent electronica Electronics China in Shanghai. It symbolizes a shared vision between the two companies, promising unprecedented value for customers and the industry. Utilizing Supplyframe's "Design-to-Source" solution on its B2B e-commerce platform, WIN SOURCE aims to accelerate its supply chain services and enhance customer experience.

Since 2018, the world has faced challenges from inadequate semiconductor supply chain inventory and the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors have caused drastic fluctuations in global supply chains of semiconductor and electronic components, triggering multiple crises, affecting over 169 industries, and causing unprecedented delays in product launches and surges in costs. This serves as an important warning bell for system integrators. As a result, semiconductor suppliers, distributors, and system integrators must adjust their supply chain strategies and build more flexible supply chains to respond to future changes.

The core of the strategic cooperation between WIN SOURCE and Supplyframe is to connect WIN SOURCE's e-commerce platform to Supplyframe's AI platform. This platform can capture market signals from millions of different sellable electronic components, providing users with optimal procurement strategies within the best timeframe. Customers of WIN SOURCE can directly benefit from this platform, which offers real-time smart procurement features. Customers can search, compare, and order over a million in-stock components, covering price fluctuations, delivery time changes, and potential risk notifications at the same time.

This collaboration is considered one of the key strategies for WIN SOURCE. The Company is rapidly rising in the global electronic component agency industry, demonstrating its determination to adopt the most advanced technologies. The collaboration will further enhance the Company's supplier management and inventory control skills, expanding its capacity to serve global customers. WIN SOURCE's commitment to quality and environmental management, which is evident from its ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications, has received high praise in the market. WIN SOURCE has grasped how to significantly reduce operating costs with strategies such as 24-hour delivery and 3-year warranty.

Headquartered in Pasadena, California, Supplyframe redefines supply chain management with a comprehensive ecosystem made up of targeted marketing solutions, engineering resources, and supply chain tools. Its Design-to-Source Intelligence (DSI) solution can interpret billions of signals related to intent, demand, supply, and risk to provide valuable insights throughout the product lifecycle. Supplyframe's products and services include data analysis, market intelligence, price trends, supplier evaluation, component search, etc., all aiming to help customers better cope with the challenges of the electronics component supply chain and make smarter business decisions. This business partnership sets an example for future collaborations, alliances, and innovations.

Credit: Company

Credit: Company