As AI applications gradually expand from the cloud to the edge, the demand for edge AI chips is expected to increase. DIGITIMES Research observes that chip players are approaching the edge AI chip market from three directions.
AI processors for mass-produced consumer electronics like notebooks and smartphones are dominated by major companies such as Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, and MediaTek. The industrial application AI market is a competitive arena for major chip companies like Nvidia and Intel, as well as AI chip startups like Hailo and DeepX.
Meanwhile, MCU players such as STMicroelectronics, Infineon, and NXP are investing in the TinyML application market for edge terminal devices, aiming to capture the AI upgrade wave or new purchase opportunities driven by edge AI.
Chart 1: Comparison of cloud and edge computing capabilities
Chart 2: Six major characteristics of edge computing in performing AI tasks
Chart 3: Four major challenges of edge computing in performing AI tasks
Chart 4: Cross influence of AI model, chips, and application domains
Chart 6: AI model parameter volumes and memory demand after compression
Chart 8: AI PC and smartphone basic specification requirements
Chart 9: Chip players' latest processors for AI PCs and smartphones
Chart 10: Application development kits by chip players for AI PCs and smartphones
Chart 11: AI computing demand for non-consumer industrial application domains
Chart 12: Nvidia, Intel, AMD AI hardware and software ecosystems