Taiwan market: Philips to launch two Ambisound DVD home theater models

Jimmy Hsu, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES Asia 0

Royal Philips Electronics on October 24 debuted two Ambisound series DVD home theater systems, the HTS8100 and HTS6600, for launch in the Taiwan soon at recommended retail prices of NT$39,900 (US$1,225) and NT$32,900 respectively, according to Philips Taiwan.

Demand for home theater audio systems each year in the Taiwan market is 40,000-50,000 units, and this is being pushed up by the growing use of LCD TVs, Philips Taiwan indicated.

Philips new DVD home theater sysntems HTS8100, HTS6600

Philips' Ambisound DVD home theater systems
Photo: Company

Article edited by Ricky Morris