AMICCOM Electronics Corporation (AMICCOM) announced a new generation of ultra-low-receiving current Sub-GHz RF transceivers, named A7149. The A7149's RF core follows the A7139's RF...
AMICCOM released a new generation of low current sub1-GHz wireless SOC, named A9129M0. AMICCOM continues to integrate the existing RFICs with MCU and roll-out highly integrated SOC...
AMICCOM released a new generation of low current sub1-GHz wireless SOCs in March 2022, named A9129F6, A9139F6, and A9159F6. AMICCOM continues to integrate the existing RFICs with...
AMICCOM releases new sub-1GHz wireless transmitter SoC, named A9339. A9339 integrates RF transmitter whose performance is the same as A7339. It can be used to communicate with AMICCOM's...
Amiccom released 2.4GHz direct-sequence spread-spectrum wireless chip in June 2020, named A7157, which supports FSK and DSSS modulation operation modes.