Brand notebook vendors are cutting prices to offload excess inventories, which may put their profits under pressure in the second half of this year, according to industry sources.
Brand vendors are still in the process of an inventory correction, but some of them have already adjusted their stockpiles to healthier levels, according to Paul Peng, chairman of...
Brand PC vendors continue to cut back orders amid high inventory levels, and may fail to see their shipments pick up until the second half of 2023, according to industry sources.
Global projector shipments are believed to have hit bottom and are expected to pick up later in the second half of this year, according to sources at brand vendors.
Prospect for an uptick in TV shipments worldwide remains dim as makers in the supply chain are still striving to control excess inventories, according to industry sources.
Notebook brand vendors, such as Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Dell, are looking to develop a new production hub in Mexico, according to sources in the notebook industry.
Foundries particularly second- and third-tier players continue to see their fabless clients scale back orders that will drag down further their fab capacity utilization in the fourth...
ODMs Inventec and Quanta are expected to post sales increases in the second half of 2022 despite market observers' anticipation of a particularly weak second half of the year for...
LCD panel makers have been cutting production, but their output still exceeds demand from TV brand vendors who have downward adjusted their panel procurement plans amid weakening...
Global notebook shipments will likely slip below 200 million units in 2022, due to a particularly weak second half of the year, according to sources at brand companies.
Brand notebook vendors have turned aggressive in launching price cuts to promote sales and digest inventories, particularly in the euro zone, China and North America, where consumer...
Brand PC vendors may start seeing their cash flows affected negatively by shipment slowdowns and the risk of inventory losses in the second half of 2022, according to industry sour...
Notebook brands are expected to cut their orders with ODMs due to the quickly rising inventory levels recently and their inventory adjustments are expected to last until the end of...