Monday 6 February 2023
SkyWater, a key foundry for the US defense industry, shares its view on reshoring, downturn and why More-than-Moore is the future
As the semiconductor sector gains increasing national security implications worldwide, the US defense industry has in particular woken up to the crucial role of semiconductor supply...
Monday 7 November 2022
US foundry SkyWater announces progress in reshoring advanced packaging capability
US-based foundry SkyWater Technology has completed the first phase of its program to establish silicon interposer manufacturing, according to an announcement on November 3. The program,...
Thursday 3 November 2022
US manufacturers 'pumped up' about supply-chain reshoring trend
US companies are acknowledging that reshoring - once the subject of talk but no groundswell of action - is accelerating, with at least one executive being "pumped up" about critical...