Friday 15 December 2023
Automotive IC market to grow steadily in 2024
Even if global car sales remain flat in 2024, automotive chips are expected to have the most stable performance within the semiconductor market, according to sources at international...
Tuesday 14 November 2023
IC design houses expect lower foundry prices in 1Q24
Pure-play foundries such as United Microelectronics (UMC), Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS), and Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing (PSMC) may lower their quotations...
Tuesday 14 November 2023
IC design houses see disappointing end-market demand in China
China's Double 11 online shopping festival has failed to generate end-market demand, with only a few brands like Xiaomi reporting decent sales, indicating that China's consumer market...
Monday 6 November 2023
Taiwan's IC design houses under growing pressure as generative AI rewrites the game
Generative AI is making its way into edge devices: though there remain bottlenecks to overcome in terms of software and hardware, the overall trend is very significant. PC and mobile...
Wednesday 18 October 2023
PC peripheral IC suppliers gearing up for AI PCs
PC peripheral IC suppliers are gearing up for the release of new AI PC models scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, according to industry sources.
Thursday 5 October 2023
Rising US-China tensions affect Taiwanese IC design firms
With tensions between the US and China escalating, Taiwan-based IC design houses are under increased pressure and are becoming more cautious about doing business with Chinese customers,...
Wednesday 4 October 2023
Taiwan IC design houses to grab more market share in consumer sector
Taiwanese IC design firms are expected to increase their market share in consumer applications, as their European and American counterparts continue to withdraw from markets such...
Monday 2 October 2023
IC design firms to see better-than-expected 3Q23
Although September revenue data has yet to be released, IC design houses are expected to see better-than-expected numbers in the third quarter of 2023, based on their performance...
Friday 22 September 2023
IC design houses endure fierce competition from automotive IC IDMs
Despite the fierce competition among automotive IC IDMs promoting their respective highly integrated chip platforms, Taiwanese IC design companies continue to push through in the...
Wednesday 13 September 2023
Taiwan initiates 10-year chip-driven innovation project to attract global talent, startups
Starting 2024, Taiwan will implement a 10-year chip-driven industrial innovation project aiming to attract young talent and startup teams from around the world to set up operations...
Tuesday 12 September 2023
Will Taiwan IC design houses gain from China iPhone ban?
The extent and impact of China's prohibition on the use of iPhones in the public sector remain unclear. It will certainly negatively impact iPhone sales in China, but Taiwanese IC...
Thursday 7 September 2023
PC chip order visibility to improve, say IC design houses
With PC vendors such as Dell issuing optimistic forecasts, IC design firms anticipate an improvement in order visibility from the PC industry, which means performance in the second...
Wednesday 6 September 2023
IC design houses expect demand recovery in 2H24
IC design houses are bracing for a particularly weak second half of 2023, but expect customer demand to recover substantially in the second half of 2024.
Friday 25 August 2023
Few Taiwanese IC design firms currently benefit from cloud AI trend
Only a few Taiwanese IC design firms are reaping the benefits from the current cloud AI trend driven by the rise of generative AI, according to industry sources.
Friday 25 August 2023
IC design houses to see PC replacement drive demand in 2024
Taiwan-based IC design houses are optimistic about demand from a new surge of PC replacements anticipated for 2024, driven by replacements for PCs bought during the pandemic and Microsoft's...