As the new year unfolds, the global economy and trade dynamics remain highly complex and unpredictable. Among these developments, significant policy changes in both China and the...
Following Donald Trump's election, the US-China trade war appeared to be entering a new phase with Trump's announcement in late November of additional tariffs on China, Mexico, and...
The quarterly investors conference of TSMC is scheduled for January 16, 2025. Along with the future economic outlook, the upcoming inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump...
The newly elected US President Donald Trump previously announced plans to impose a 25% tariff on products from Mexico. Samsung Electronics operates television and home appliance factories...
Despite the recent military maneuvers by China's navy and coast guard that threaten Taiwan's security, as well as challenges within China such as a struggling real estate market,...
The US trade deficit with Taiwan is projected to grow to US$59 billion in 2024, an increase only ranking behind Mexico and Vietnam. However, although US President-elect Donald Trump...
The Chinese government's subsidy program for energy-efficient appliances, combined with anticipated US tariff hikes, has triggered a sudden surge in TV demand in China and the US...
The European Union has imposed anti-subsidy tariffs on Chinese battery electric vehicles (BEVs), reaching nearly 50%, forcing NIO to consider aligning its prices with luxury automakers...
The US reportedly plans to invoke Section 301 of the Trade Act to investigate Chinese semiconductors, focusing on mature process chips in medical devices, cars, and smartphones. The...
In response to new US tariffs that may be imposed by US President-elect Donald Trump's upcoming administration, Pegatron chairman TH Tung pointed out that the US should value its...
The US will increase tariffs on Chinese polysilicon and silicon wafers starting January 2025, raising the rate from 25% to a staggering 50%. This move has left many companies that...
On December 11, 2024, the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced modifications to tariff actions under Section 301 of the Trade Act, targeting specific Chinese products. These measures...
Donald Trump once proposed a 60% tariff on products imported from China but later reduced it to 10% to avoid an overly aggressive trade conflict. However, his announcement of a 25%...
China has unveiled countermeasures following Trump's recent announcement of a 10% tariff on Chinese imports. On December 5, the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China...