In the wake of SpaceX's groundbreaking success with Starlink, China is gearing up to launch its own rendition of the satellite constellation, leveraging its formidable aerospace prowess...
AI took center stage at the 2nd Hong Kong International Innovation and Technology Expo (InnoEX) and the 20th Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition), as AI technologies and applications...
The Pentagon revealed that its contract to deploy Elon Musk's Starlink terminals in Ukraine is worth $23 million, finally putting a dollar figure on a deal that has embroiled one...
In response to a surging demand for low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite services, satellite operators traditionally focused on geosynchronous orbit (GSO) or medium-Earth orbit (MEO) satellites...
Zhuhai Aerospace Microchips Science & Technology Co. (Aero-Chips), formerly known as Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science & Technology Co., is deploying its AI chips into space...
Compound semiconductor IDM Transcom has seen a strong pull-in of power amplifier orders for niche application markets, such as aerospace, defense, and satellites, boosting its overall...