In lunar exploration, setbacks often pave the way for groundbreaking advancements. The tale of Japan's iSpace and its lunar mission, Hakuto-R, is a testament to this notion. While...
The Silicon Valley-based Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) operated by the US Department of Defense is seeking small unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) that are production-ready, inexpensive,...
As China continues to build and strengthen its satellite communication and navigation industry, some ground equipment suppliers have been exploring the drone and drone defense market...
After pulling through a challenging 2023, Ubiqconn Technology, a First International Computer (FIC) subsidiary, is optimistic about prospects in 2024, forecasting growth in the company's...
With China's commercial satellite industry gradually taking off, scaling up the relevant infrastructure and building a mature satellite application industry are the keys for the sector...
Taiwan-based Ventec Electronics, which specializes in niche-market copper-clad laminates (CCL) and thermal materials, has effectively penetrated the automotive industry supply chai...
Chinese smartphone brands like Huawei, OPPO, Honor, and Xiaomi have released satellite communication-enabled smartphones, signaling that China has taken significant steps in the direction...
In recent years, the Taiwanese government has attached great importance to the development of the space industry. Besides being categorized as a core strategic industry, the sector...
The craze for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites began in early 2022 with the start of the Ukraine-Russia war. Recently, driven by international satellite operators, an international...
In the past two years, satellite communication features on smartphones have been gradually implemented in flagship models from major brands like Apple and Huawei. Samsung Electronics...
Following Apple's introduction of satellite communication features in the iPhone 14 series in 2022, Apple and Huawei continued supporting satellite-to-cell capability in 2023. As...
CETC Chips Technology, a fabless chipmaker under the state-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corp. (CETC), has announced its latest progress in the satellite communication...
Post-pandemic, the global aviation market's resurgence is poised to propel Taiwan's aerospace industry output to a four-year pinnacle. With governmental policies sustaining domestic...