Review and outlook, 2Q 2007
Chart 1: Taiwan LCD TV shipments, 2Q06-4Q07 (k units)
Global market share
Chart 2: Taiwan worldwide market share, 3Q06-4Q07
Production mode: OBM, OEM and ODM
Chart 3: Shipments by production mode, 4Q05-2Q07
Geographic markets
Chart 4: Shipments by region, 1Q06-2Q07 (k units)
Chart 5: Shipment share by region, 1Q06-2Q07
Screen size
Chart 6: Shipment proportion by screen size, 2Q06-4Q07
Shipment concentration
Chart 7: Shipment concentration, 4Q05-2Q07
Table 1: Taiwan LCD TV makers ranking by shipments, 2Q06-2Q07
Industry watch
The case of Amtran
Table 2: Amtran quarterly shipments trend, 1Q06-4Q06
TV panel pricing
Table 3: LCD panel price trends, 1Q06-2Q07 (US$)
LCD TV pricing and margin trends
Industry Watch for 2H07
Panel price trends to help market remain stable
Amtran to add more channel distributors
Table 4: Amtran’s LCD TV channel partnerships in North America
TPV will not reach its shipment goal
Table 5: TPV Technology’s LCD TV shipments and gross margins, 1Q06-2Q07 (k units)
Table 6: Worldwide LCD TV shipments breakdown, 1Q07
Innolux encounters production problem
2007 and beyond
Chart 8: Taiwan and global LCD TV shipment forecast, 2005-2009 (k units)