TwinMOS launches Sushi MP3 Player

Press release; Vyacheslav Sobolev, DIGITIMES Asia 0

TwinMOS Technologies, primarily known as a DRAM-module maker (ranked number 11 globally for 2004 by iSuppli), has announced a new flash-based MP3 Player, the Sushi MMD101.

The device weighs 25 grams and is sized at 53x28x20mm.

The Sushi MMD101 supports MP3, WMA and WAV audio formats, has a USB 2.0 interface, features five preset EQ functions (jazz, classical, pop, rock and normal) and supports up to eight hours of continuous playing. The MMD101 requires one standard AAA battery and comes in capacities of 128MB, 256MB and 512MB.

The Sushi MMD101
Photo: the company.

Article edited by Vyacheslav Sobolev