Posdata unveils WiMAX gaming device

Press release, September 28; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia 0

Korea-based Posdata has unveiled a new gaming platform, the G100, which will enable gaming enthusiasts to download games and access the Internet using high-speed mobile WiMAX connections.

The G100 will operate in its initial release at 2.3GHz and 2.5GHz bands. The device has an embedded 4-inch, touch-screen TFT-LCD and a sliding-style game pad. It also supports various networks, such as WiMAX, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, allowing the user to select the most appropriate network to make a connection, highlighted Posdata. The official release of the product is expected by the end of 2007.

The company also released a USB-type terminal, the U100, that allows users to plug it into a notebook and access WiMAX networks. The device is set to be released in October.

Posdata G100 gaming device and U100 WiMAX terminal

Posdata G100 gaming device (right) and U100 WiMAX terminal (left)
Photo: Business Wire

Article edited by Ricky Morris