Comments from readers
Monica Chen, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia
Saturday 23 June 2007
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Posted on Jan 18, 03:06
I don't know what all the fuss with the new Intel chips is all about? I have an AMD Athlon FX62 and all my benchmarks come up at an average about the same as the Intel counter parts and at a good deal less in price! Stay Cool AMDPosted on Aug 28, 18:42
AMD will stay behind no matter HOW superior its products until it reaches the same manufacturing process level as Intel, roughly at the same time. Then the battle can be more 1:1 & product based to show whose technology & design is best.Posted on Jun 26, 14:09
AMD still looks to be 12mth behind Intel with process shrinks. Such a penalty in the past was mitigated by adv. process techniques and CPU designs. Intel made a big comeback and AMD didn't have the budget to make quicker improvements.Posted on Jun 26, 05:22
AMD, AMD, why do you shoot yourself in the foot again? Do PC users really need yet another new CPU socket? It's tough being an AMD fan when they do things like this.Posted on Jun 24, 11:35
Seeing as how they cant get 65nm right in a year, I seriously doubt they will have 45nm out in less then a year. If they trend like they have been we won't see 45nm until 1Q '09.