Comments from readers
Monica Chen, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia
Wednesday 3 August 2011
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Ranovus, a Canadian silicon photonics scaleup company specializing in high-speed optical interconnect...
With many chip companies seeking alternative production sites to China amidst geopolitical concerns, India is preparing itself to be a viable option,...
Samsung handset supply chain in northern Vietnam
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Status of EV solid-state battery market
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Samsung strategy and capacity deployment in India and Vietnam
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Posted on Sep 7, 00:24
After years of being more expensive, Macs are now cheaper than PCs, at least for laptops. The average frugal reader hasn't noticed this yet, but the smart people are starting to.Posted on Aug 5, 15:59
I would assume that Apple negotiated most favored status with Intel to ensure they would also be able to take advantage of any price drops. So commodity PC makers would still be at no competitive advantage. Plus Apple doesn't need to license windows.Posted on Aug 4, 08:44
Apple wins again. WIn PC's are based solely on price, who can make a living on razor thin margins while Apple walksaway with 35% margins at a $999 price point - why? WIN is so DEVALED in the eyes of the consumer, they are unwilling to pay more than $399.