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Posted on Oct 24, 15:54
They should've listened. But,instead, they let it blow up even more.Posted on Oct 23, 11:49
What an amazing article, full of facts and also unbiased. Thank you. This kind of journalism is what the movement strives for.Posted on Oct 22, 23:11
Excellent article. Thank you for presenting this issue in an objective and truthful manner.Posted on Oct 22, 21:01
Well done, great article. Very well written, and a good analysis of the situation. Great to see a unbiased article. Great job.Posted on Oct 19, 02:36
All I can say is wow! Thank you for the analysis! But why would Nintendo or the other big companies want to bail out these publications?Posted on Sep 19, 19:54
Yay an unbiased article i congratulate youPosted on Sep 11, 15:55
As others, thank you so much. Gamergate has been savaged by a press that has no ethics, no standards and will even trample over moderates who don't tow the party Line. We could sorely use more fair journalism like this.Posted on Sep 10, 10:48
Interesting to finally read an unbiased approach on the matter - and how this could have an influence on actual sales and attitude towards the industry.Hopefully there will be a follow-up article.
Posted on Sep 10, 06:39
The positivity at the end was great too many times the negatives are the only focus.Posted on Sep 10, 05:01
Good analysis. Gaming companies should be wary of trusting talking heads in the press who are more interested in pushing their own agendas than representing the consumer (who they clearly dislike quite intensely).Posted on Sep 10, 03:35
Well well, didn't we choose a great time to get angry. I forgot we are coming up on release season publishers are gonna have to choose a side sooner or later.Posted on Sep 9, 23:19
Nice even article in a charged environment. It's too bad that any gaming site looking into shifting to mostly mobile games coverage has limited incentive to refrain from denigrating 'gamers.'Posted on Sep 9, 22:16
The part about the impact on parents is something I've rarely seen mentioned. These media outlets that demonize gamers don't see the long term impact they're causing on the market and see pushing their agenda as top priority.Posted on Sep 9, 22:01
Thank you for this article. Well-researched, supporting facts, and a view into both sides of the situation. bravo. It's unfortunate few of the other game sites have bothered to employ any kind of journalistic integrity throughout this fiasco.