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Displaying photos tagged e-book reader [back to index]

PocketBook CAD Reader equipped with E Ink Fina

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite e-book reader

Monday 17 September 2012

Amazon 6-inch Kindle e-book reader

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Amazon Kindle Touch/Touch 3G e-book reader

Friday 30 September 2011

Amazon Kindle Fire e-book reader

Friday 30 September 2011

CES 2011: Hanvon 9-inch, high-resolution WISEreader

Monday 10 January 2011

Barnes and Noble's NOOKcolor e-book reader

Thursday 28 October 2010

Sony e-book reader, the PRS-650 Touch Edition

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Sony e-book reader, the PRS-350 Pocket Edition

Friday 10 September 2010

Sony PRS-950 Daily Edition e-book reader

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Amazon's new 6-inch Kindle

Wednesday 4 August 2010

BenQ limited edition nReader Young Guns

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Computex 2010: Hanwang Wi-Fi-enabled e-book reader, the WISEreader N618

Friday 4 June 2010

Computex 2010: Qisda-made BenQ nReader

Friday 4 June 2010

Acer LumiRead e-book reader

Monday 31 May 2010
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