LG Electronics has unveiled its LG V30, the latest iteration of the company's V series flagship smartphones, at IFA 2017. The V30 features F1.6 aperture camera lens, a glass Crystal Clear lens, an OLED FullVision display, Cine Video mode for producing movie-quality videos, advanced Hi-Fi Quad DAC, sound tuning by B&O PLAY, and voice recognition, according to the vendor.
The LG V30's main camera on the rear features an F1.6 aperture that lets in more light for brighter, and paired with the glass lens delivers more accurate colors and clearer images than a plastic lens, according to LG. The second lens in the V30 dual camera is an upgraded 13MP wide angle lens with two-thirds less edge distortion than in the V20.
The new Cine Video mode enables movie-making with its its Cine Effect and Point Zoom features. While typical cameras only allow one to zoom in on the center of the frame, Point Zoom allows users to zoom in on any subject using the zoom slider, regardless of its position in the frame, according to LG. And Cine Effect provides a palette of 15 presets to give videos a unique movie-like look, from romantic comedy, summer blockbuster, mystery, thriller and classic movie, among others.
The LG V30 comes with a 6-inch 18:9 OLED FullVision display in a form factor measuring 8mm shorter and 3mm narrower than its predecessor, according to LG. Its thickness is 7.3mm with a weight of 158g. The tempered glass that covers both the front and back is curved all the way around the edge.
The is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Mobile Platform to support Daydream, Google's platform for mobile VR. LG has equipped the V30 with a Hi-Fi Quad DAC with audio tuning by sound engineers from audio brand B&O PLAY.
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