Thursday 27 February 2020
MCU demand for healthcare apps grows robustly
Taiwan-based MCU specialists have seen orders for healthcare applications ramp up substantially, and therefore are striving for more capacity support from their 8-inch foundry partners,...
Wednesday 26 February 2020
Demand for 8-inch wafer fabrication services stays robust
The supply of 8-inch wafer fabrication services remains tight, due to robust demand for fingerprint-on-display (FoD) solutions, CMOS image sensors and power management ICs, according...
Monday 24 February 2020
VIS expects coronavirus impact to be short-lived
Eight-inch foundry Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS) has seen clear order visibility through the end of March, with no substantial shifts in customer orders despite the ongoing...
Monday 2 December 2019
UMC sees clear growth momentum for 5G in 2020
Taiwan's pure-play foundry UMC will see clear growth momentum in 2020 come from ever-increasing chips foundry demand for 5G applications, with clients moving actively to pull in shipments...
Monday 11 November 2019
Silicon wafer shipments in low gear for 4Q19
Silicon wafer shipments are expected to stay in low gear in the fourth quarter of 2019 as clients have decelerated their shipment pull-in to facilitate year-end financial settlements,...
Friday 1 November 2019
VIS stays cautious
Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS) remains cautious about its outlook for the rest of 2019, citing still high inventory levels at its customers, according to the Taiwan-based...
Tuesday 22 October 2019
VIS expects revenue surge in 2020
Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS) will see its revenues rise sharply in 2020, thanks mainly to its acquisition of Globalfoundries' 8-inch fab in Singapore, according to Fang...
Friday 23 August 2019
8-inch fab utilization rates may not rebound until 2020
Eight-inch fab utilization rates continue to fall on weak demand for automotive and consumer ICs and are unlikely to rebound until the first half of 2020, according to industry sou...
Wednesday 31 July 2019
VIS expects flat or slight revenue growth in 3Q19
Specialty IC foundry Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS) expects to post flat or an up to 5.5% sequential increase in third-quarter revenues.
Monday 15 July 2019
Foxconn likely to rely on new acquisitions to build semiconductor ecosystem
Foxconn Technology Group, gearing up to build its own semiconductor ecosystem, is expected to activate a new round of acquisition deals to fill up the gaps in its supply chain, according...
Wednesday 3 July 2019
Foxconn set to build 12-inch wafer fab in 2020 as IDM
Foxconn Technology Group is likely to kick off construction of a 12-inch wafer fab in 2020 in Zhuhai, southern China in cooperation with the city government there, and will operate...
Wednesday 19 June 2019
China sees Taiwan supply chain as alternative to IDMs for power IC devices
China ICT makers are keen on turning to Taiwan supply chain as they seek alternative import sources of discrete power semiconductor devices, especially medium- and high-end ones long...
Thursday 25 April 2019
GlobalWafers leads 8-inch silicon wafer market in Europe
GlobalWafers' Novara plant in Italy dedicated to making 8-inch silicon wafers became the largest supplier of 8-inch silicon wafers in Europe in 2018, with a 24% market share, according...
Wednesday 10 April 2019
Eight-inch fab utilization rates picking up
IC foundries have seen their 8-inch fab utilization rates pick up recently, driven by a pull-in of orders for IoT and automotive electronics applications, according to sources at...
Friday 22 March 2019
New TSMC 8-inch fab to fulfill robust automotive chip orders
TSMC's new 8-inch wafer fab to be built in Tainan will have its capacity mostly fulfill robust orders for automotive chips from STMicroelectronics and other dedicated chipmakers,...