In the ever-evolving realm of mobile communications, a seismic shift is underway, propelled by SpaceX's Starlink service. Once dominated by terrestrial networks provided by telecom...
As the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite industry gains traction, Taiwanese suppliers are positioned for success, buoyed by the continued launches from SpaceX and the entry of Amazon's...
Transcom, a Power Amplifier (PA) manufacturer primarily focused on the defense industry, has seen steady growth in its overall operations, benefiting from defense contracts and increasing...
EISO, the PCB factory, participated in the Satellite 2024 Conference & Exhibition held in Washington DC, USA for the first time, marking the company's entry into Low-Earth Orbit...
Smart wearable and GPS giant Garmin has decided to expand its production into Southeast Asia as part of its long-term strategy for the next 10-20 years, with initial production lines...
China's relentless push into space technology is setting the stage for a high-stakes competition with the United States. As the space race heats up, China's rapid advancements in...
In the wake of SpaceX's groundbreaking success with Starlink, China is gearing up to launch its own rendition of the satellite constellation, leveraging its formidable aerospace prowess...
The US Department of Defense (DoD) has selected Intel Foundry for phase three of its Rapid Assured Microelectronics Prototypes - Commercial (RAMP-C) program.
"An opening bombardment destroys most of Taiwan's navy and air force in the first hours of hostilities. Augmented by a powerful rocket force, the Chinese navy encircles Taiwan and...
AI took center stage at the 2nd Hong Kong International Innovation and Technology Expo (InnoEX) and the 20th Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition), as AI technologies and applications...
In the fast-evolving landscape of technologies like communications, autonomous driving, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotics, Samsung Electronics is ramping up its focus on...