Wednesday 17 August 2022
PCB players Eiso, Aurona see diversification efforts bear fruit
Taiwan-based niche-market PCB maker Eiso Enterprise and PCB materials vendor Aurona Industries have been diversifying their target market segments with the efforts bearing fruits,...
Monday 8 August 2022
Darfon has order visibility till year-end 2022 for e-bike product lines
Darfon Electronics has obtained orders for electric bicycles (e-bikes), bike frames, components and batteries with shipments scheduled until the end of 2022, according to company...
Thursday 10 March 2022
Foxconn Interconnect Technology forays into e-bike market
Foxconn Interconnect Technology (FIT), a subsidiary of Foxconn, has made a foray into the e-bike market by introducing its first displays and advanced controllers for electric bike...
Tuesday 14 December 2021
India's electric two-wheeler attracts major players
Although EV sales are still low in India, Tracxn data showed that venture capitalists have poured more than US$600 million into the EV value chain so far this year, five times higher...
Tuesday 16 November 2021
Organic carbon battery may charge 10 times faster: Interview with PJP Eye
The automotive industry is renovating and electrifying its products to reduce carbon emission, stimulating innovations with batteries. Japan-based startup PJP Eye is one of the innovators...