In lunar exploration, setbacks often pave the way for groundbreaking advancements. The tale of Japan's iSpace and its lunar mission, Hakuto-R, is a testament to this notion. While...
Inventec's AI server shipments in 2024 are predicted to more than double compared to 2023, according to Jack Tsai, president of the Taiwan-based ODM. Tsai noted the increased average...
LG Energy Solution (LGES) has reportedly finalized an agreement with Japan's Isuzu Motors to supply the 21700 cylindrical batteries, a deal estimated by South Korean industry insiders...
Forecasts on demand for auto chips are mixed among the industry's players since some believe a wave of inventory corrections for automotive chips has arrived. However, some still...
Fuel Cell System Manufacturing (FCSM), a joint venture between General Motors and Honda, has started making new fuel cell systems for EVs since January 25. The production costs are...
Apple was reported to be downgrading its vehicle autonomy before Tesla released the financial results that did not meet market expectations. The two US-based EV makers have experienced...
While demand for EVs has softened, drivetrain components and car interior parts suppliers said they will not stop developing new products for EVs. Many companies focus on the high-end...
Innovation in display products has always been a focal point at the annual CES event. Looking back at CES 2024, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics stood out with their transparent...
DIGITIMES recently interviewed Julian Hetherington, the director of the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), to understand the future of EV development in the UK and its potential benefits...
The current issue of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) having higher costs than equivalent gasoline or diesel vehicles is not only due to the construction costs of battery materials...
Corning signed an MoU with the government of Tamil Nadu to make cover glass for mobile devices as India saw surging electronics exports thanks to Apple suppliers.
In the world's six major advanced industries, South Korea witnessed a substantial decline in its export share from 8.4% in 2018 to 6.5% in 2022, marking a significant 25% decrease...
Samsung SDI will invest in the Canada Nickel Company, a Canadian nickel miner, to secure the critical raw material for its high-performance batteries. It would be the first time the...
International carmakers have been exploring ways to secure their market share in China, where EVs see robust growth. Jessie Lin, senior analyst with DIGITIMES Research, said the strategic...