Thursday 10 December 2009
GaAs foundry AWSC expected to receive more orders from Skyworks
Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics (LGE) will reportedly increase their purchases of GaAs-based products for handsets from Skyworks while reducing order proportion from TriQuint...
Friday 4 December 2009
GaAs foundry AWSC to operate at full swing by year-end
GaAs foundry Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (AWSC) has posted record revenues of NT$129 million (US$4.02 million) for November 2009, up nearly 10% sequentially and 18.2%...
Friday 13 November 2009
GaAs foundry AWSC to see 50% revenue growth in 2010
Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (AWSC) has seen order visibility extend to the first half of 2010, and the company estimates revenues next year will grow 50% from 2009, according...
Monday 26 October 2009
GaAs wafer supplier VPEC says 4Q09 revenues to beat seasonal patterns
Visual Photonics Epitaxy Company (VPEC) expects revenues for the fourth quarter of 2009 to remain similar to levels in the third, thanks to sales contribution from its major customer...
Wednesday 14 October 2009
GaAs foundry AWSC to raise NT$100 million for capacity expansion
Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (AWSC) plans to raise NT$100 million (US$3.1 million) in additional capital by issuing new shares at a tentative price of NT$27 each, according...
Wednesday 7 October 2009
Anadigics and Win Semiconductors announce strategic GaAs foundry relationship
Anadigics and Taiwan-based Win Semiconductors have announced a strategic agreement for the design and manufacture of GaAs microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC). GaAs ICs...
Tuesday 6 October 2009
GaAs manufacturers see 3Q09 sales up on power amplifier demand for smartphones
Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (AWSC) and Win Semiconductors have reported sequential revenue growths of 47% and 37%, respectively, for the third quarter of 2009. Industry...
Friday 11 September 2009
GaAs foundry AWSC to enjoy growth through December with strong demand from Skyworks
Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (AWSC) is likely to see monthly growth through the end of 2009, as its major customer, Skyworks, has raised its fiscal fourth-quarter (July-September)...
Tuesday 8 September 2009
GaAs wafer supplier VPEC to raise capital
Visual Photonics Epitaxy (VPEC) plans to raise an estimated NT$500 million (US$15.2 million) in additional capital by floating 10 million new shares, with a tentative price of NT$50...
Friday 7 August 2009
GaAs wafer supplier VPEC expected to see record revenues and profit in 3Q09
Visual Photonics Epitaxy's (VPEC's) third-quarter 2009 revenues and profits are expected to surpass those recorded in the second quarter due to strong market demand for smartphones,...
Friday 7 August 2009
Taiwan maker ArimaEco finishes installation of CPV system for ISFOC in Spain
Arima EcoEnergy Technologies (ArimaEco), a Taiwan-based maker of GaAs high-concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) modules, has completed the installation of a 300KWp concentration PV (CPV)...
Thursday 30 July 2009
Everphoton lands HCPV solar module orders from US
Everphoton Energy, a Taiwan-based maker of HCPV (high-concentration photovoltaic) modules/systems, has landed an order for 5MWp (megawatt-peak) HCPV modules from the US, according...
Friday 10 July 2009
GaAs wafer supplier VPEC reports record revenues in June
Visual Photonics Epitaxy Company (VPEC) has reported record revenues of NT$177 million (US$5.35 million) for June 2009, up 25% on month mainly due to strong orders from TriQuint Semiconductor,...
Wednesday 24 June 2009
VPEC cuts into Apple supply chain
Visual Photonics Epitaxy (VPEC) will benefit from the popularity of Apple's iPhone 3GS as it is a major GaAs wafer supplier for TriQuint Semiconductor, which supplies WCDMA power...
Tuesday 9 June 2009
VPEC to expand GaAs HBT epitaxial wafer capacity
Visual Photonics Epitaxy (VPEC), a Taiwan-based maker of GaAs HBT (heterojunction bipolar transistor) epitaxial wafers based on MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) technology,...