Samsung Electronics has launched its latest 4G smartphone, the Galaxy M12, in the Taiwan market, with the availability to begin on April 26 at NT$4,999 (US$180).
Apple reportedly will adopt LTPO (low-temperature polycrystalline oxide) backplane technology for OLED displays in its premium iPhones to be launched later in 2021, according to industry...
Telecom operators in Taiwan expect 5G services' penetration rate in the local market to be at least 20% in 2021 and the percentage will go higher with competitive subscription deals...
Samsung Electronics is expected to incorporate in-house-developed ToF sensors into its own handsets in second-half 2021 at the earliest, as part of its efforts to sustain handset...
China's handset vendors reportedly are ready launch an array of 5G high-end and budget phones starting January, seeking to recover lost ground from Apple's iPhone 12 lineup, according...
Samsung Electronics has launched its Galaxy S20 FE 5G, a lite version of its Galaxy S20, in the Taiwan market for NT$23,990 (US$820) with delivery to kick off on October 7.
Samsung Electronics has said it will start taking pre-orders for its Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G in the Taiwan market on September 10 and delivering the devices on September 25.
Pre-orders for Samsung's recently released Galaxy Note 20 devices have been stronger than expected in the Taiwan market, according to sources from local telecom channels.
Macnica Galaxy, a Taiwan-based IC distribution arm of Japan's Macnica Group, has reported its first-half 2020 net profits soared 87.6% on year to a four-year high of NT$130 million...
Taiwan's PCB makers in the supply chain for Apple devices will see their shipments for new iPhones not peak until the fourth quarter this year as Apple has confirmed its iPhone 12...
Samsung Electronics will unveil its next-generation 5G flagship smartphones - likely the Galaxy Note 20 5G series products along with other devices such as the Galaxy Watch 3 - during...
Samsung Electronics appears to have become cautious about placing component orders for its upcoming Galaxy Note 20 5G lineup, showing concerns about the prospects of the global smartphone...
In the contest to offer the world's most popular smartphone, it seems like the only competition that Apple has these days is Apple itself, according to Omdia.