Recently, Meta unveiled its new augmented reality (AR) glasses prototype, Orion, alongside the smart glasses, Ray-Ban Meta, which was developed in collaboration with Ray-Ban. This...
Following a five-year hiatus, Hiwin resumed its in-person earnings call, providing an updated outlook for 2025. The company expects increased economic clarity post-US presidential...
Kaori Heat Treatment Co. approved the formation of a wholly-owned subsidiary focused on thermal solutions at an extraordinary shareholders' meeting on November 12, transferring its...
Acer subsidiary AOpen achieved its highest profits in 22 years during the third quarter of 2024. The company attributes this growth to long-term efforts in various markets and customer...
Sixxon Tech, a specialized supplier of precision metal parts, anticipates robust growth in thermal management, semiconductor, and optical communication sectors in 2025. The company...
Taiwan's leading precision metal stamping specialist, G-Shank Enterprise, reported that revenue from non-3C applications—such as automotive, medical, and industrial sectors—grew...
With Nvidia planning GB300 after GB200, scheduled for launch in the first quarter of 2025, industry sources believe liquid cooling demand is poised to surge in 2025.
The highly anticipated Nvidia RTX 50 series display cards are set to launch, with suppliers optimistic about its market impact. A key display card cooling supplier, Auras Technology,...
Semiconductor testing interface leader WinWay has achieved record-breaking performance, driven by robust demand for AI, HPC applications, and AI smartphones. The company's AI and...
Taiwanese hinge and precision components provider Jarllytech reported that its revenue performance in October remained flat, with a slight month-over-month decline primarily due to...
Automotive supply chain players are increasingly branching out into non-automotive sectors, notably semiconductors, with companies like Global PMX and TsangYow at the forefront.
Recently reports have emerged that the Biden administration has proposed a controversial plan to bolster Intel by merging its chip design division with AMD's corresponding departments...
Semiconductor Week in Review (Nov 3 - 9): The semiconductor industry faces a transformative moment as TSMC readies its Arizona fab's politically-charged December opening and Intel's...
Benefiting from the continuous increase in market penetration of LED backlit keyboard modules, electronic components manufacturer Chicony Electronics reported continued revenue growth...