Wafer probing house King Yuan Electronics (KYEC) will close its fab operations in Taiwan for two days starting the evening of June 4 due to a cluster of COVID-19 infections at its...
Wafer probing house King Yuan Electronics (KYEC) confirmed on June 2 that two of its employees stationed at its factory site in Miaoli, northern Taiwan have been infected with COVID-19,...
Taiwan-based IC testing houses including King Yuan Electronics (KYEC), Sigurd Microelectronics and Ardentec have all kicked off R&D for more advanced 3nm-made chips, while also...
Wafer probing service providers have seen the visibility of orders for automotive chips extended to the end of 2021, as TSMC has committed capacity support to chip vendors, according...
US-based RF chips vendor Skyworks has announced plans to acquire Silicon Labs' infrastructure and automotive business for US$2.75 billion, highlighting its efforts to better explore...
Testing houses including Sigurd Microelectronics and King Yuan Electronics have already seen their capacity fall short of demand since the start of the second quarter, driven by strong...
Taiwan-based IC test solutions provider Chunghwa Precision Test Tech (CHPT) has reportedly obtained nearly 100% of probe card orders for MediaTek's mid- and high-end 5G smartphone...
Taiwan's backend service firms will see their ratios of revenues from processing automotive chips ramp up through at least the third quarter 2021, according to industry sources.
Taiwan-based OSAT providers including ASE Technology, King Yuan Electronics (KYEC) and Tong Hsing Electronic Industries have posted on-year revenue increases for February 2021, and...
Taiwan's IC designers are facing increasingly tight capacity and resultant quote hikes at their backend partners though foundry capacity they booked in fourth-quarter 2020 are being...
Taiwan's first-tier IC designers including MediaTek, now facing increasingly tight capacity support from domestic backend houses, are expected to release some orders to Chinese OSATs...
Qualcomm has been gearing up to seek multiple supply sources for both silicon-based and III-V semiconductors amid increasingly tight capacity at the global IC value chain, and reportedly...
Taiwan's IC backend supply chain players are poised to embrace another robust year in 2021 driven by strong demand for 5G and Wi-Fi 6 applications, after logging full capacity utilization...
Backend houses in the supply chain of MediaTek have expressed optimism about demand for the fabless client's 5G, Wi-Fi 6 and automotive chip solutions in 2021, and are ramping up...
Taiwan-based IC test solutions providers Chunghwa Precision Test Tech (CHPT) and WinWay Technology have both obtained major orders for MediaTek's new-generation 5G SoC chips slated...