Supreme Electronics, which mostly sells memory chips, is optimistic about its operations in the second quarter of 2024, noting a seasonal increase in demand for handsets and PCs,...
MediaTek's recent comment has fueled speculation that the Taiwanese IC design house may unveil a new Arm processor platform for AI PCs at the upcoming Computex next week.
With 2024 widely regarded as the inaugural year for the AI PC era, Taiwanese PCB manufacturers are revving up to meet the upcoming replacement demand for AI PCs and notebooks, expected...
China and Japan have questioned India's import license requirements, highlighting renewed concerns from WTO members against India's unilateral trade measures.
According to Lin Da-Ming, general manager at Taiwan PCB Techvest's (TPT) Wuxi plant in China, the faltering economy has impacted utilization rates and production structure compared...
The PC sector, which had been relatively quiet for some time, has regained global attention due to two key developments: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Microsoft's backing for the...
In the upcoming wave of the AI PC boom, many believe that the biggest winners will be the processor vendors. In addition to Intel and AMD, companies from the Arm camp such as Qualcomm...
PC shipment in India grew slightly over the past quarter, primarily driven by shipments of Dell- and Acer-branded products. Weak demand from the enterprise market hit PC vendors.
The age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the edge is here, companies cannot wait to showcase their solutions and AI PC products at Computex 2024, which will be hosted from June...
Chinese tech conglomerate Huawei has dismissed rumors that it is increasing efforts in PC chip R&D, to launch the Kirin X series PC processor line in 2024.
The first year of the AI PC era saw major Chinese manufacturers like Lenovo and Huawei aggressively positioning themselves in the AI PC market to capture higher market shares. Looking...
AI PCs are estimated to be a focal point of the industry in the second half of 2024. However, there has yet to be a clear definition of what constitutes an AI PC. Analysis by the...