Weak European photovoltaic (PV) market demand in the first half of 2011 caused global solar module inventories to soar at the end of second quarter 2011, according to Solarbuzz.
Continued government policy adjustments are causing major shifts in the sizes, growth rates and customer segment mix of photovoltaic (PV) markets in 2011, according to Solarbuzz.
According to industry observers, it will be unlikely for Italy's current incentive program to be extended to August. In addition, for systems that do not obtain grid connection by...
The solar photovoltaic (PV) project order backlog for the United States market has now soared past 12GW, according to Solarbuzz. While the PV industry is facing the effects of large...
Following very strong growth of 139% in 2010, global solar photovoltaic (PV) demand is off to a weak start in 2011. Preliminary estimates of first-quarter 2011 end-market demand in...
Though the recent earthquake offshore of Japan has not caused substantial disruption to the global PV supply chain, industry observers are concerned that contract quotes for poly-Si...
DelSolar announced on December 30 it has signed a contract to supply solar modules to a PV provider for the North America market. The contract includes supply terms for product quantities...
Quotes for amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin-film PV modules are likely to fall below EUR1/W (US$1.32) sometime in 2011 versus EUR1.1-1.2/W in the fourth quarter of 2010, according to...
Giga Solar Materials, a PV conductive paste maker, saw its share price rise 32.2% on its first day of trading on Taiwan's over-the-counter (OTC) market to close at NT$661 (US$21.75)...
Photovoltaic (PV) conductive paste maker Giga Solar Materials is projected to ship 2,700-3,000 metric ton (MT) of aluminum paste in 2011, up from 1,500-2,000MT expected for 2010,...
Gintech Energy so far had the highest net EPS among Taiwan's solar cell makers, reaching NT$10.35 (US$0.34) for the first three quarters of 2010. Photovoltaic (PV) conductive paste...
In view of rising demand from solar customers in China, Taiflex Scientific has revealed plans to expand its monthly production capacity for PV module backsheets to 1.5 million square...
Giga Solar Material, a photovoltaic (PV) conductive paste maker, on October 13, 2010 was approved for listing on the Taiwan over-the-coutner (OTC) market. The company, which is currently...
China government policies intended to promote the adoption of green technologies are having the desired effect, with the country enjoying a boom in wind power capacity and PV installations...
Arima Photovoltaic and Optical will focus on clean energy, smart grid devices and LED products in the next stage of the company's development, according to chairman Stephen Lee.