Five tech startups from Taiwan are showcasing their latest developments in IoT applications at the Internet of Things World 2018 held May 14-17 in Silicon Valley, seeking to enter...
Despite AI (artificial intelligence) technologies and applications still at a nascent development stage, global tech giants have rushed to invest heavily in making strategic deployments...
As the imminent arrival of the 5G era will trigger a new round of demand for cloud servers, Taiwan white-box server suppliers Quanta Computer and Wiwynn are aggressively taking different...
Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has newly established a "Taiwan Biomedical Accelerator" platform to drive a new wave of innovations by local players in the biomedical...
Statistics from US-based research body CB Insights show that non-US unicorn startups commanded a 50% share of total global unicorns as of the end of August 2017, sharply up from only...
Quanta Cloud Technology (QCT), a cloud computing subsidiary of Quanta Computer, is cooperating with Intel to accelerate its investments in the 5G market and its establishment of partnerships...
ARM has signed a letter of investment intent with Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), pledging to join the country's Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan through its global...
After scoring impressive achievements at the end of its first implementation year in early September 2017, the Taiwan government's Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan (ASVDP) is...
Thanks to drastic advancement in the performance of computers and processors, the application of AI (artificial intelligence) technologies will surely witness explosive growths in...
Taiwan's first indigenously produced Earth observation satellite Formosat-5 was successfully launched August 25 from California, the US, into a low Earth orbit, about 720 kilometers...
With autonomous driving emerging as one of the hottest innovation R&D projects actively under way in the Silicon Valley, authorities there have relaxed regulations to facilitate...
Taiwan's National Development Council (NDC) has decided to make direct investments in tech startups, instead of offering them subsidies as done in the past, aiming to build sound...
Taiwan's government is very likely to complete raising NT$4 billion (US$130 million) in venture capital fund dedicated to investment in IoT (Internet of Things) startups by the end...
Winston H Chen founded Solectron in 1978. Under his leadership, the company grew into the world’s largest electronics manufacturing services provider with annual revenue of...