Wednesday 18 November 2020
TSMC in talks for new orders for OLED driver IC
TSMC is in talks with a Korean client for manufacturing OLED driver ICs using the foundry's 28nm high-voltage process, according to industry sources.
Wednesday 11 November 2020
FocalTech raises TDDI and LCD driver IC prices 10%
FocalTech Systems has raised quotes for its TDDI chips and LCD driver ICs by 10%, and is mulling another double-digit price increase in the first half of 2021, according to industry...
Tuesday 10 November 2020
Driver IC backend firms see clear order visibility through 1H21
Display driver IC backend specialists including Chipbond Technology and ChipMOS Technologies have enjoyed a ramp-up in orders for handset-use TDDI chips, with clear order visibility...
Friday 30 October 2020
FocalTech enjoys strong TDDI chip demand
IC design house FocalTech Systems continues to enjoy robust demand for its TDDI (touch with display driver integration) chip solutions, with shipments set to hike over 100% to 220-230...
Tuesday 27 October 2020
Taiwan driver IC backend houses gaining from Samsung exit from LCD
Taiwan's driver IC backend firms have seen small-volume rush orders as a result of Samsung Electronics' gradual exit from the LCD panel market, according to industry sources said.
Monday 26 October 2020
Driver ICs tight supply: Q&A with Chipbond chairman FJ Wu
The supply of display driver ICs has fallen short of demand, while capacities at 8-inch foundries stay tight. Backend houses are mulling raising their quotes to reflect the tight...
Friday 23 October 2020
IC designers have mixed feelings about good sales of iPhone 12 series
Taiwanese IC design houses have mixed feelings about good sales of the new iPhone series, which could limit sales for 5G Android phones in the short term, according to industry sou...
Friday 16 October 2020
Tape COF substrate demand falling, likely to rebound in 1Q21
Tape COF substrate demand has been falling thanks partly to insufficient foundry support for LCD driver ICs, and may not pick up until the first quarter of 2021, prompting some makers...
Tuesday 13 October 2020
COF, COG packaging materials shipments ramping up
Taiwan's IC materials distributors including Niching Industrial have seen a significant surge in shipments of COF and COG packaging materials and thermal solutions since the third...
Wednesday 16 September 2020
Backend firms raising test capacity for strong TDDI chips demand
TDDI chips demand for midrange 5G smartphones has been strong, particularly from Chinese handset vendors, encouraging related Taiwan-based backend houses to purchase new test equipment...
Monday 31 August 2020
Chip probing demand for notebook display driver IC remains strong
Backend houses continue to enjoy strong chip probing demand for display driver ICs for use in gaming, educational and other-purpose notebooks, thanks to the rise of the stay-at-home...
Monday 17 August 2020
Egis sees rush orders for handset fingerprint chips
Fingerprint ID chips vendor Egis Technology expects a surge in shipment pull-in from Chinese handset vendors in the third quarter of 2020, but whether this can generate a sequential...
Wednesday 12 August 2020
ChipMOS expects sales growth in 3Q20
Backend house ChipMOS Technologies expects sales generated from orders for memory and display driver ICs, particularly those for handset-use TDDI chips, to increase sequentially in...
Monday 10 August 2020
Himax expects about 20% sales growth in 3Q20
Display driver IC specialist Himax Technologies expects to post an around 20% revenue increase sequentially in the third quarter of 2020, with flat growth or a slight decrease in...
Friday 24 July 2020
Backend firms eye surge in demand for OLED, TDDI driver ICs starting mid-3Q20
Display driver IC backend specialists including ChipMos Technologies and Chipbond Technolofy are expected to enjoy a significant ramp-up in demand for handset applications, including...