Chuan-Chuang (transliterated from Chinese) Technology, a subsidiary of Unimicron Technology located in Hunan, China, plans to enter volume production of 6-8-layer notebook PCBs in...
First-tier Taiwan PCB makers, including Unimicron Technology and Unitech Printed Circuit Board, have recently strengthened their presence in the China market vying for increasing...
Handset PCB makers expect a 5-10% sales growth in February as demand is recovering, but will still see losses for the first quarter since the average utilization rate for the period...
In order to push up utilization rates, first-tier handset PCB suppliers, such as Unimicron Technology, Compeq Manufacturing, Unitech Printed Circuit Board, and Tripod Technology,...
PCB maker Unimicron Technology expects to post losses in the first quarter of 2009 although sales in February and March are likely to be better compared to those in January. Unimicron's...
With global handset vendors including Nokia restocking their inventories by placing rush orders, Taiwan-based handset PCB makers are seeing increases in their shipments for Februar...
Despite an expected decline in PCB production value, PCB makers expect netbook and smartphone applications to be growth drivers in 2009, benefiting related PCB companies Unitech Printed...
Taiwan IC substrate production value will grow 2% on year in 2009, while Taiwan's global market share is estimated to grow to 30.5%, to become the second largest IC substrate production...
IC substrate makers' utilization rates in December have dropped due to declining orders. Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board (NPC)'s utilization rate for flip-chip (FC) substrates has fallen...
PCB companies are being forced to freeze capacity expansion plans next year due to sagging end market demand and the China government's restrictions on wastewater emissions, according...
Although sales of high-density interconnect (HDI) boards were not as good as expected in the the third quarter due to weaker handset shipments, the performance of rigid-flex PCBs...
A double-digit decline in fourth-quarter demand for packaging and testing products is expected due to weak orders for IC substrates. Institutional investors forecast Nan Ya Printed...
PCB maker Unimicron Technology is conservative about the fourth quarter due to decreased orders for handset, networking and IC applications and the company has frozen its capex plans...
Unimicron Technology has blamed the failure of its second-quarter profits to meet expectations to exchange losses. As demand from all major segments is showing signs of recovery,...