Wednesday 15 October 2008
MegaChips and Silicon Motion claim smallest ISDB-T mobile TV tuner-demodulator SoC
Silicon Motion Technology and MegaChips have jointly developed what they claim to be the world's smallest and lowest power consumption ISDB-T mobile TV tuner-demodulator SoC.
Tuesday 30 September 2008
Chartered Semiconductor seeks to establish cooperation alliances with IC design houses
While seeking technological advancement by joining the IBM-led Common Platform technology alliance, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing is also pushing the establishment of design...
Tuesday 30 September 2008
ARM and IBM alliance to collaborate on SoC design for 32nm and 28nm
IBM, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing, Samsung Electronics and ARM have announced they will develop a comprehensive 32nm Systems-on-a-Chip (SoCs) design platform based on high-k...
Wednesday 24 September 2008
DesignArt Networks claims SoC to deliver sub-US$100 femtocells
DesignArt Networks (DAN), a fabless semiconductor company, has unveiled its DAN2200 WiMAX femtocell SoC, which the company claims is the industry's only complete single-chip femtocell...
Friday 5 September 2008
Gateway Silicon and Socle now focusing on 65nm SoC solutions
Two Taiwan-based IC-design service companies – Gateway Silicon Incorporate (GSI) and Socle Technology – are ready to offer customers IC solutions for SoC designs that...
Thursday 21 August 2008
Intel introduces SoC for CE products
At the Intel Developer Forum, Intel introduced its media processor CE 3100, the first in a new family of purpose-built system on chips (SoCs) for consumer electronics devices.
Wednesday 13 August 2008
Lanner announces high-performance network appliance using new Intel SoCs
Lanner Electronics has announced the launch of the FW-7570 network appliance, a high-performance compact rackmount appliance built on the Intel EP80579 Integrated Processor with QuickAssist...
Thursday 19 June 2008
Shrink of IC designs blurring sector segmentation
As the complexity of ICs grow along with a design geometry shrink, upstream and downstream industry players are extending their presences beyond their core businesses. Executives...
Friday 6 June 2008
Chartered said to be taking major stake in Socle
Chartered Semiconductor has plans to take a major stake in Taiwan-based Socle, an IC design service company that provides system-on-chip (SoC) platform solutions and services, according...