India roundup
Weekly updates of developments in India
Monday 4 March 2024
India roundup: three chip projects approved under INR760 billion incentive scheme
India approved three chip projects, two in Gujarat and one in Assam. India is expected to see more incoming investments for years to come.
Monday 26 February 2024
India roundup: Tower Semiconductor and Tata propose setting up fabs in India
India's chip ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and local firms' ties with Taiwan-based companies on semiconductors are expected to deepen.
Monday 19 February 2024
India roundup: Applied Materials reiterates commitment to Indian chip ecosystem
As more electronics manufacturers expand their capacities in India, Applied Materials eyes an increasing significance India may play in the global semiconductor manufacturing ecosy...
Monday 5 February 2024
India roundup: India lowers import duty on mobile phone components
India reduces import customs duty on mobile phone components. Notebook vendors accelerated production expansion in India. Apple saw another quarterly sales record in India.
Monday 29 January 2024
India roundup: Corning facility to land in southern India
Corning signed an MoU with the government of Tamil Nadu to make cover glass for mobile devices as India saw surging electronics exports thanks to Apple suppliers.
Monday 22 January 2024
India roundup: HCL, Foxconn form OSAT JV in India
Foxconn and HCL signed an MoU to form a joint venture into the OSAT sector, as manufacturers are capitalizing on the opportunity to have a presence in the Indian semiconductor ecos...
Monday 15 January 2024
India roundup: Gujarat and Tamil Nadu in competition to woo inward electronics and semiconductor investments
Guajrat and Tamil Nadu, the two front-runners of the development of India's semiconductor ecosystem, held respective events, and won investments from semiconductors.
Monday 8 January 2024
India roundup: Synopsys expects its chip GPT to be critical in developing Indian semiconductor talent
Synopsys believes its generative AI solution can be a boost for India's IC design industry. States in India are wooing semiconductor investments.
Tuesday 2 January 2024
India roundup: challenges remain for smartphone export expansion in India
Despite rapid expansion in smartphone exports from India in recent years, geopolitical issues remain for India to expand exports further. Innolux confirmed the display collaboration...
Monday 25 December 2023
India roundup: India emerges as a global hub for RISC-V
India, one of the global IC design hubs, has the potential to become a RISC-V hub. India's telecom bill may pave the way for efficient satellite spectrum distribution.
Monday 18 December 2023
India roundup: Apple suppliers cluster in southern India
Apple suppliers continue investments in India's southern states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Taiwan-based PC and E2W vendors are expanding their manufacturing efforts in India.
Monday 11 December 2023
India roundup: Apple suppliers boost investments in India
Smartphone component manufacturers, especially Apple suppliers, ramped up investments in India, and a souring India-China relationship benefits non-Chinese investors in the growing...
Monday 4 December 2023
India roundup: India may take 10 years to mass-produce 28nm chips and more stories
DIGITIMES Research analyst is cautious about India's ambitious plan to make a breakthrough in chipmaking in five years. Foxconn announced a fresh round of investments to expand manufacturing...
Monday 27 November 2023
India roundup: India-based OSATs to emerge amid chip-making relocation
India-based electronics manufacturers accelerate their move to venture into the emerging OSAT business amid lucrative incentive schemes and a favorable geopolitical environment.
Monday 20 November 2023
India roundup: India tech guru expects huge room for Taiwan-India cooperation
Indian experts visited India to attend the Supply Chain Summit held in Taipie. FDI inflow in India's computer software and hardware sector slowed for the past quarters.