Page 2
Page 2 offers content beyond the scope of the daily news content provided by DIGITIMES. Extended content includes insights into industry players, musings on the market in the form of blogs, commentaries, and market gossip, and commentary on issues outside of the high-tech industry.
Thursday 2 July 2009
China not aware of its own call for a new global currency
Bloomberg is reporting that the strength of the US dollar improved on July 2 after...
Wednesday 1 July 2009
China manufacturing shows signs of life, but only slightly
June marked the third consecutive month that production levels increased for manufacturers in China, according to brokerage firm CLSA. It was also the third consecutive month that...
Friday 26 June 2009
Are Asustek and Intel falling out over gray market Atoms?
Back in May we published a commentary raising concerns about the Atom CPU inventory situation among Taiwan's notebook...
Tuesday 23 June 2009
Commentary: Free-to-air was the theme of mobile TV during Computex
Looking back at the product offerings at the recently concluded Computex Taipei 2009, you couldn't help notice that companies highlighting mobile DTV solutions based on the DVB standard...
Wednesday 17 June 2009
SiRF and extending GPS: It's not only about location
Sitting in the Digitimes office last week, GPS IC design house Sirf founder Kanwar Chadha took out an idea book that he had commissioned back in 1995 when Sirf was just getting started...