Taiwan startup Youuxi, a digital marketing cloud service provider, has launched an AI-based copywriting platform designed to help businesses or ad agents save costs on seeking marketing...
As part of its internal restructuring efforts, Acer is implementing a new project seeking to incubate more profitable subsidiaries that can create more values for society, but it...
PTCom Technology, an innovation development partner of MediaTek, is actively developing IoT devices management systems to help hardware makers with IoT connections, and the company...
The Center for Measurement Standards under government-sponsored Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is developing a solution integrating images taken by drones for detecting...
The development of IoT technologies and applications has yet to mature, providing better opportunities for startups than large-size enterprises, according to JR Cho, founder of PTCom...
Taiwan startup NextDrive has recently announced the latest application of its cube devices, a smart IoT gateway, to remote-control smart locking system developed in cooperation with...
Taiwan-based wireless charging solution provider InforCharge has expanded its business reach to the multimedia advertisement area and has adopted artificial intelligence (AI) facial...
Armenia, with 96% of its terrirtory covered by mountains, has a population of some three million, but the Armenian diaspora amounts to about 10 million people who have had to leave...
Having developed a solid presence in Armenia, US-based electronic design automation (EDA) solutions provider Synopsys has spared no efforts fostering young Armenia IT talent through...
In Armenia, Aleksandr Yesayan, co-founder and business development director of telecom operator Ucom, is an iconic entrepreneur, as he founded the company in 1998 at the age of only...
Deeply aware of Taiwan's robust tech prowess, Armenia hopes that industries in both countries can build closer partnerships and that more young tech talent can complement each other...
While advanced hospitals are adopting smart systems to let patients save payment time, blockchain technology can be applied to further boost quality and security of the systems, according...
Taipei has been workign towards becoming a smart city based on three core concepts: government as a platform, city as a living laboratory, and innovation is the DNA of development,...
The DRAM market is known for being very cyclical and after experiencing strong gains for two years, historical precedence now strongly suggests that the DRAM ASP will soon begin trending...
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