NTPC-AWS JIC begins second-round of startup team recruitment

Chloe Liao, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES Asia

The NTPC-AWS Joint Innovation Center (JIC), established jointly by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the New Taipei City government, has activated the second phase of recruitment of startup teams, and is specifically looking for groups with backgrounds in smart manufacturing, smart medical care, smart retailing and smart home.

NTPC-AWS JIC was founded in August 2018 and started the first round of recruitment in June. Of the 43 startup teams that applied to be partners of the JIC during the first round, 12 of them were accepted.

NTPC-AWS JIC's work is to integrate resources from its partners in the IT industry, academic and government sectors, and assist startup teams to create new business opportunities. The center is also providing workshop classes and AWS's Activate program to these startup teams.