Thursday 4 September 2008
Taiwan market: NCC approves Chunghwa Telecom VoIP pricing
Taiwan's National Communications Commission (NCC) on September 3 approved a price scheme proposed by Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) for voice calls from its fixed-line telephone numbers to...
Friday 29 August 2008
Chunghwa Telecom records 1H08 capital spending of NT$11.31 billion
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) invested a total of NT$11.31 billion (US$365 million) in establishing new or expanding existing infrastructure during the first half of 2008, with 73.6% of...
Wednesday 27 August 2008
CHT to largely expand capital of Singapore subsidiary, possibly for satellite cooperation with SingTel
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) on August 26 announced it will add investment of NT$3.3 billion (US$105 million) in Chunghwa Teleocm Singapore Pte., its wholly owned subsidiary in Singapore,...
Thursday 21 August 2008
Chunghwa Telecom to focus on LTE technology, says paper
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) plans to focus on the development of LTE (long term evolution) technology for its next-generation telecom networks, the Chinese-language Commercial Times...
Tuesday 19 August 2008
Chunghwa Telecom to change chairman
As Chunghwa Telecom's (CHT) chairman Tan Hochen has decided to resign, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), CHT's largest shareholder with a majority on the company's...
Friday 15 August 2008
Chunghwa Telecom earned NT$258 million on non-operating investments in 1H08
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) on August 14 reported total return on non-operating investment of NT$258 million (US$8.46 million) during the first half of 2008, higher than NT$240 million...
Tuesday 12 August 2008
Taiwan telecom operators release July financial figures
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) on August 11 reported its financial figures for July 2008, with a net earnings per share (EPS) of NT$2.87 (US$0.09) for January-July 2008 accounting for 64.2%...
Tuesday 12 August 2008
Chunghwa Telecom July sales flat on year
Chunghwa Telecom announced that its July 2008 revenues decreased by 1.6% year-over-year to NT$15.42 billion (US$495 million). Operating income for the month was NT$5.13 billion, net...
Friday 8 August 2008
Taiwan market: Chunghwa Telecom's high pricing hinders Sparq E.164 VoIP service
New Century InfoComm Tech (Sparq), a small fixed-line telecommunication service operator in Taiwan, has been stalled in its hopes to launch E.164-format VoIP services because the...
Tuesday 5 August 2008
Chunghwa Telecom to set up communications network in business park in Vietnam
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) has obtained the exclusive right to establish a communications network in the Thu Thiem Brian Park, an intelligent business park to be developed in Ho Chi Minh...
Thursday 31 July 2008
Taiwan market: Chunghwa Telecom subsidiary offers GPS services in cooperation with Supa and C-Com
Chunghwa International Yellow Pages Media (CIYPM), a spin-off of the yellow-page directory and information business division of Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), on July 30 announced the launch...
Wednesday 30 July 2008
Chunghwa Telecom aims for 3.27 million fiber users by 2013
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) has been expanding its fiber-optic network and expects the number of its FTTH/TB (fiber to the home/building) subscribers to continue increasing from more than...
Tuesday 29 July 2008
Chunghwa Telecom aims at net EPS of NT$4.68 in 2009, NT$5.62 in 2013
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) aims at gradually growing its profitability over the next five years, with target net earnings per share (EPS) set at NT$4.68 for 2009 and at NT$5.62 for 2013,...
Monday 28 July 2008
Chunghwa Telecom plans to make equity investment in Zyxel, says paper
Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), the largest telecom services provider in Taiwan, reportedly plans to make equity investment in network-equipment maker Zyxel Communications, according to a...
Thursday 24 July 2008
Chunghwa Telecom's planned adoption of MSTV for MOD not a given
While Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) is apparently inclined to adopt MSTV, the Microsoft-developed IPTV system, in place of OPM (open media platform) developed by Alcatel-Lucent for its MOD...