In response to the semiconductor shortages caused by the pandemic and the ongoing tensions between the US and China, countries have increasingly focused on strengthening their semiconductor...
"Quality" is the foundation of all manufacturing industries. Companies initiate product plans from their R&D departments, working collaboratively through production teams, suppliers,...
The semiconductor industry began in the early 1970s and is now the largest segment among Zeiss's four major divisions. Under President Andreas Pecher's arrangement, I met CTO Thomas...
Zeiss president Andreas Pecher asked me how DIGITIMES observes Zeiss. I replied that it could gradually transition from an R&D focus to application markets, striking an appropriate...
Following Donald Trump's election victory, TSMC's future operations face heightened uncertainty. While TSMC has increased its market share in advanced processes due to chip export...
I recently attended Zeiss's Quality Innovation Summit in Berlin, where I delivered a one-hour presentation titled "Reshaping Global ICT Supply Chain." Through arrangements made by...
High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) is a graphic memory with high bandwidth. Its main function is to support High-Performance Computing (HPC) or high-speed parallel computing with CPU/GPU...
The semiconductor industry is the lifeblood of South Korea, a country that heavily depends on its exports. In 2023, South Korea exported US$131 billion of semiconductors and imported...
Since the turn of the century in the year 2000, the changes brought to the world by digital technology and the Internet can be roughly categorized into four phases. The first phase...
AI smartphones are defined as smartphones that can run Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) functions offline. Many may be curious, how...
Generative AI will inevitably move away from cloud services, which used to rely heavily on data centers and leave some private and real-time information to be processed on "edge"...
The internet giants are building comprehensive ecosystems, in which Generative AI (GenAI) plays a pivotal role. "From cloud to the edge" will be an inevitable trend.